A rest day in Bukhara, well exploited to visit the madrassas, forts and market places… We believe that you’ll find far more detailed information on Bukhara by surfing on getting the related books. Nevertheless, Bukhara demonstrates its status and important role on the silk road. It was also the first city where we came across a number of tourists from over the world;- i.e. Italians, French, Germans, Russian etc… and this could be felt on the market places where several languages were spoken.
Also a good day to work on Bart’s door… :-))
To be continued in a couple of days – tomorrow Samarkand…
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Tres accueillantes les guingettes de Bukhara ! La boucher a bien decore sa vitrine, le fort ou mosquee impressionne. Prenez des forces pour le Gobi !!!
ReplyDeleteWow, Bukhara lijkt groots!
ReplyDeleteTussen haakjes: wie beschikt over dat vlotte en rijke schrijftalent?
Bart staat wel als cowboy!